Why Can't I just Set A Fire and Smoke The Raccoons Out?
How Do I Know If I Have Raccoon(s) in My Chimney?
There are a few Common Signs That You Will See If You Have A Raccoon in Your Chimney:
- When you look in your Fire Place you will see suet and other ash debris that has fallen from your Chimney on your logs. When the Raccoon(s) are climbing up and down they will dislodge the Ash Debris from the Chimney Walls.
- If you miss that Sign you will Definitely See The Ash Debris When you Try to Open the Flu. If you have Raccoons in your Chimney 8 times out of ten the Raccoon(s) are sitting right on top of the Flu. If that is the Case the Flu will be Very Hard to Open. If the Flu was shut properly after the last time you used your Fireplace, then no the Raccoon(s) won't be able to open the flu and gain entry to your home. If you didn't fully/properly close the flu or forgot and left it open, then yes the raccoon(s), will gain FULL ACCESS to your HOME!!!
the Flu is Hard to Open you need to STOP TRYING TO
- If you have Raccoon(s) in your Chimney, you are going to Listen for Noises such as Growling, Scratching, Rubbing. If there are Raccoon Babies in your Chimney you can here crying that will actually sound like a baby crying.
- Often when you have Raccoons in your Chimney you will find Maggot (Green Backed) Flies in the Fire Place Room. Raccoon(s) Bring Food Back to Their Chimney. Either to Feed the Raccoon Babies or Themselves. What ever the Raccoon(s) don't Eat they just toss away.
- Or the if its a Male Raccoon he will Poop and Pees all over your Flu. The smell is a Stinky Combination of Wet Dog, Rank Tuna and Rotten Meat.
It is Safe to Say that if you have (a) Raccoon(s) in your Chimney you will Definitely Know It!!!
How Do I Get Raccoon(s) Out Of My Chimney?
We Have Three Different Chimney Removal Techniques for Removing (a) Raccoon(s) form your Chimney:
- Flushing: Getting the Raccoon(s) to come up out of the Chimney, Disinfect Chimney and Cap it so the Raccoon(s) Can't Get Back In. This is Dangerous to do although it is the quickest way to get the Raccoon(s) out of your Chimney. Once We get the Raccoon(s) out of the Chimney and |Get the Chimney Capped, we will inspect the flu to make sure that it's now opening and functioning properly. We will Double Check from the Flu looking up that there aren't anymore Raccoons in any Second Floor Fireplace Ruff-ins. We Also Check to make sure that there aren't any raccoon babies. Once the Flu Inspection has been completed, we will Disinfect the Flu and Fireplace Area to Remove Raccoon Scent and All of Those Stinky Raccoon Odours.
- One-Way-Door: If For some reason we Can't Flush the Raccoon(s), we will affix a One-way-door to the Chimney. Allowing the Raccoon(s) to exit when they go out at night to hunt for food. When they comeback the Raccoon(s) won't be able to get back in. This way can also be very dangerous if there are raccoon babies involved. If Raccoon Babies are involed we have to open the flu with Momma Raccoon still lingering above our heads and hand grab the raccoon babies out. Momma Raccoon Doesn't like anyone messing with her babies and they will get very aggressive. We will place the babies outside where we know she comes down from the chimney and when the raccoon(s) finally comes out of the chimney through the one-way-door she will find her babies and relocated them.
- Live Trapping: Flushing and One-way-doors are great quick solutions for removing raccoons from your Chimney. Live Trapping Raccoons is a permanent way to remove the raccoon(s). Our Raccoon Traps are Completely Humane in no way is the Raccoon hurt by the trap. Once caught the Raccon(s) will be Properly Relocated.
Once you have had a Raccoon in your Chimney you will need to Raccoon Proof your house. Yes you got the Raccoon(s) out of your Chimney, but before you got the raccoon(s) out they were all over your roof peeing and pooping leaving their scent everywhere. We need to Completely Raccoon Proof your House by Disinfecting your roof, soffit, attic, chimney stack, capping any and all Roof and Louvre Vents, Reinforcing Any Areas where the soffit meets the roof. To Completely Remove any and all Raccoon Scent and Any Raccoon Entry Points.
Once Raccoon proofing has been Completed you will be Raccoon Free!!!
Why Can't I just Set A Fire and Smoke The Raccoons Out?
Please don't ever try to burn or smoke a raccoon out of a Chimney, it never ends well and will be ten times more expensive then anything we would charge you!!!!
Racccoons if you haven't noticed are alot bigger then the hole is at the top of your chimney stack. It takes time for them just to climb up the chimney, never mind the time it takes them to squeeze of the top. 99% of the time they endup getting stuck at the top sometimes we can pry thme out. Some Raccoons get so completely log jammed in there so tight that we can't get them out alive. We have had to call Humane Society Officers in to Put the Raccoon to sleep. The Raccoon came out in pieces. Charges were laid for cruelty to animals against the home owner who's brainy idea it was to lite the fire and smoke'em out! Well his brilliant move cost him a $5000 fine plus our fees.
The moral of this story is.....
if you think you have (a) Raccoon(s) in your Chimney......
call us to Get Rid of Your Raccoon(s) from your Chimney and save yourself some time and money!!!
18558978484 Complete Raccoon Removal Services OC
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